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Fallout Raider (Cosplay Overview)

So, I was able to finish my Raider costume just in time for the Youngstown Comic Con. I was up til 3 am the night (or morning) before the...

Sunshine Blogger Award

Thank you so very much Wintendo64 for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!! For those who are unfamiliar with Wintendo; she is a...

Nerf Modding Basics Pt 2: Base Paint & Reassembly

Greetings again all! So... you've powered through the sanding and you're ready to paint up your gun. Whoa, whoa, slow down! There are a...

Nerf Modding Basics Pt 1: disassembly & paint prep

Welcome all, to part 1 of my Nerf modding walk-through. I'm gonna to be going over the basics of getting started with Nerf modding. First...

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meet spartan
amateur cosplayer, enjoys video games and collecting playing cards
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