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Sunshine Blogger Award

Writer's picture: Spartan WorkshopSpartan Workshop

Updated: Jul 25, 2018

Thank you so very much Wintendo64 for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!! For those who are unfamiliar with Wintendo; she is a fellow cosplayer/prop-maker. She also runs a pretty sweet blog, which you all should go check out (

Alright, along with the nomination, came a series of questions, which I'm about to do my best to answer.

1. What is the first video game you ever beat?

Well, the first game that I ever hit 100% on was Lego Marvel Superheroes. (<--- One of the best Lego video games IMO) But that was combined effort between my brother and I, since the game is co-op. The first game I beat single-handedly was Fallout 4. I completed the main story line three different times, putting more hours into the game then I care to admit. But even though I finished the main quest line, there are quite a bit of side quests that are still untouched. So I don't know if I've technically beat the game 100% or not.

2. Are you an online multiplayer gamer that’s in it to win it or hardcore solo player that’s playing for the story?

To be honest, I'm neither. I enjoy multi-player games, and enjoy winning, but losing is natural and I don't get upset by it. But I can get competitive in Overwatch (the only game I'm good enough at to played Ranked) As for single-player games, I've only ever played a few, and I do love a good story. If anything, I'm in the middle of those two extremes.

3. If you could have one fictional object from any fandom what would it be?

Hmm, let me think... alright; a Stimpack (from Fallout). They can literally heal any injury. Anything from a bullet wound to a broken limb. But... as awesome as a Stimpack would be, I'd actually go with a suit of T-60 power armor (also from Fallout). I mean, c'mon, who wouldn't want the equivalent of a wearable, walking, tank?! :P

4. What is one convention that you dream of going to?

Without a doubt, that would be San Diego Comic Con! Ever since I first got into cosplay I've want to go there. And someday, just maybe, I'll be able to. And If I could choose a second, I'd love to go to Blizzcon!

5. What is your favorite way to share your blog posts?

Well, as you could probably tell, I'm still quite new to this and haven't really shared any of my posts on other sites as of yet. Plus I don't have a Facebook or a Twitter yet. So my only real outlet would be my Instagram account. I'll be shouting my site out more over there, when I have more to offer here.

6. Are you more of a movie or TV show person? (follow up with your favorite!)

Movies all the way! Though there are a few TV shows that I like.

As of right now my favorite move is "The Greatest Showmen". It was the first movie I've seen in a long time where I enjoyed every second of it. Though another favorite of mine, that has withheld the test of time, The Iron Giant. The animation is classic, and the story hits you right in the feels every time!

7. If a game like the Oasis from “Ready Player One” existed, would you make an original avatar or pick one from your favorite game? (which character would you choose??)

A Halo Spartan.... though I think that's obvious. ;)

8. Why did you start blogging?

Well, I've been wanting to make myself a website for a while and after skipping the Wix add on YouTube hundreds of times, I thought I'd give it try. I decided to go with the blog template, mostly because it was the simplest and it seemed like the easiest way I could share my work as well as walk-throughs. Also, sometimes I like to go into detail, and on sites like Instagram or Flickr I've found that not many people want to sit and read a ton of text while they're scrolling through their feeds. So That's another reason I decided on a blog. This was I'll be able to show more of the build progress and share more of my thoughts as well as details on my projects.

Okay, now comes the time for me to nominate others... but, like I've mentioned before, I am still very new to the whole blogging scene and don't know others to nominate. So I guess I'm gonna leave this spot blank for the time being.

Alright, I think that's it. If you've stayed and read this, you're awesome! All I can say is 'Thank you'!

'Til the next one

*Spartan Out*



Miss Margaret Ann
Miss Margaret Ann

These questions were really cool! Also yes yes "The Greatest Showman" is amazing! :)


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meet spartan
amateur cosplayer, enjoys video games and collecting playing cards
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