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Hello, thanks for stopping by my little part of the internet! My name is Shane. I'm a beginner cosplayer/prop-maker from Ohio. I enjoy all kinds of video games and the occasional board/card game. Besides collecting playing cards, I'm also learning the art of close-up magic. Cards or coins, either way, it's right up my alley!


How I got started with cosplay: 


As far back as I can remember I've been crafting things; whether that be with Legos or bits of cardboard, I found around the house. I believe it was 2012 when I discovered Halo. The armor, the weapons, the vehicles, the world, everything about it intrigued me. Little 11 year me wanted more than anything to be a Spartan. So I began my research on how to make armor and those few searches introduced me to Pepakura. But, little me was also discouraged very easily, and when I found out how much effort and time armor making required I gave it up. 

But, in late 2016 I decided to give prop making another go. After building my first replica prop, I realized how fun and rewarding it is! 

Armed with EVA foam and knowledge gained from Evil Ted Smith and Punished Props, as well as two years of Lego figure painting experience, I jumped right in!

-And here we are-

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meet spartan
amateur cosplayer, enjoys video games and collecting playing cards
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